Banquet Minutes

Minutes and notes from past banquets

2024 Alumni Minutes


The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7:27pm on May 25, 2024 at the Centralia High School Gym by Cody Huerter.


There were approximately 120 alumni in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously approved.

The balance of the CHS alumni association account was $5,498.22 coming into tonight.

The balance of the scholarship fund was $2,799.16 before a total of $2,500 in scholarships were awarded, leaving $299.16 remaining prior to tonight’s fundraising. We raised a total of $1,770.97 from fill the hat, business donations, and personal donations. This brings the amount in the scholarship fund to $2,070.13.

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

New Business 

  1. There was no new business.


A motion was made by Michael Isaman to adjourn the meeting. Erin Davis seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm by Cody Huerter. The next general meeting will be on May 24, 2025 in the Centralia New Gym.

Minutes Submitted by: Riley Coker

Approved by: Blair Haverkamp

2023 Alumni Minutes


The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7:16 pm on May 27, 2023 at the Centralia High School Gym by Lukas Koch.


There were approximately 115 alumni in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously approved.

The balance of the CHS alumni association account was $6,209.84 coming into tonight.

The balance of the scholarship fund was $2,964.65 before a total of $2,500 in scholarships were awarded, leaving $464.65 remaining prior to tonight’s fundraising. Tonight we raised $1,538 from the silent auction, fill the hat, business and personal donations. This brings the amount in the scholarship fund to $2,002.65.

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

New Business 

  1. There was no new business.


A motion was made by Brock Alverson to adjourn the meeting. Emily McNally seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm by Lukas Koch. The next general meeting will be on May 25, 2024 in the Centralia New Gym.

Minutes Submitted by: Jessica Olberding

Approved by: Emily McNally

2022 Alumni Minutes


The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7:25 pm on May 28, 2022 at the Centralia High School Gym by Matthew Steinlage.


There were approximately 150 alumni in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously approved.

The balance of the CHS alumni association account was $5,918.03 coming into tonight.

The balance of the scholarship fund was $5,020.80 before a total of $4,500 in scholarships were awarded, leaving $520.80 remaining prior to tonight’s fundraising. Tonight we raised $1,609 from the silent auction and fill the hat. This brings the amount in the scholarship fund to $2,129.80

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

New Business 

  1. There was no new business.


A motion was made by Hayden Cross to adjourn the meeting. Justin Mars seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm by Matthew Steinlage. The next general meeting will be on May 27, 2023 in the Centralia New Gym.

Minutes Submitted by: Vanessa Meyer

Approved by: Michael Glatczak

2021 Alumni Minutes


The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7:20 pm on May 29, 2021 at the Centralia High School Gym by Roxann Steinlage .


There were approximately 140 alumni in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously approved.

The balance of the CHS alumni association account was $6,528.17 coming into tonight. The balance of the scholarship fund was $3,020.17 before a total of $2,500 in scholarships were awarded, leaving $520.17 remaining prior to tonight’s fundraising. Tonight we raised $2,007 from the silent auction and pass the hat. This brings the amount in the scholarship fund to $2,527.17

 Old Business

Jolene Bloom has concerns that USD 380 wants to do away with the CHS website that is currently maintained by the web page design class and make one district website. This was sent to the school board and it was decided this was out of the Alumni’s hands. This was not resolved. Evan Whetzal motioned to table this. Brian Winkler seconded the motion. Motion passed.

New Business

  1. There was no new business.


A motion was made by Evan Whetzal to adjourn the meeting. Joel Winkler seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm by Roxann Steinlage. The next general meeting will be on May 28, 2022 in the Centralia New Gym.

Minutes Submitted by: Chelsey Glatczak

Approved by: Roxann Steinlage

2019 Alumni Minutes


The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7:15 pm on May 25, 2019 at the Centralia High School Gym by Mollie Hiltibrand.


There were approximately 158 alumni in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous minutes were read and unanimously approved.

The balance of the CHS alumni association account was $6583.98 coming into tonight.

The balance of the scholarship fund was $7864.25 before a total of $5000 in scholarships were awarded, leaving $2864.25 remaining prior to tonight’s fundraising. Tonight we raised $355 from the 50/50 raffle. This brings the amount in the scholarship fund to $3229.25

New Business

  1. Lorri Little suggested making the 75 year class an honored class. Currently the honored classes are the new graduates, 10 year class, 25 year class, 40 year class, 50 year class, 60yr class, and 70 year class. Motion passed to make 75 year class an honored class in addition to previous classes listed.
  2. JoLene Bloom has concerns that USD 380 wants to do away with the CHS website that is currently maintained by the web page design class and make one district website.She has drafted a form to present to the USD 380 board to keep the CHS website separate. Motion passed to submit form to the school board for review.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm by Mollie Hiltibrand. The next general meeting will be on May 23, 2020 in the Centralia New Gym.

Minutes Submitted by: Ben Steinlage
Approved by: Mollie Hiltibrand

2018 Alumni Minutes

The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Banquet Alumni Association was called to order at 7:18 pm on May 26, 2018 at the Centralia Gym by Derek Rempe.

There were approximately 124 Alumni in attendance.

 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously approved.
The balance of the CHS alumni account was $6302.55 coming into tonight.
The balance of the scholarship fund was $4507.18. Tonight we raised $1769 between pass the bucket, silent auction, and other donations bringing the scholarship fund up to $6276.18. 

Old Business
No old business was reported.

 New Business

-A representative from the 1948 class suggested having assigned tables for the honored classes.

-Christina Smith suggested having a limit on the number of scholarships given each year to ensure that alumni scholarships will continue to be given. At this time they will continue to give the max amount that can be given based on the balance of the scholarship fund.

-Nancy Dannevik Boston spoke on behalf of Class of 1968, each year their class loses a class mate or spouse of a class mate they give a donation to the scholarship fund in honor of the late classmate. This year they are donating $1500 in honor of David Crawford.

Other Business
-Consider new location with air conditioning due to heat and older crowd.
-Consider mailing invitations again due to older crowd and some not having access to email or computer.

Marilyn Petry mentioned to adjourn the meeting, Chad Hiltibrand seconded. Meeting was adjourned.
The next general meeting will be May 25, 2019.
Minutes Submitted by: Chad Hiltibrand

2017 Alumni Minutes

The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7pm on May 27, 2017 at the Centralia School Gym by Stacy  (Mueting) Rugan and Cathy (Steinlage) Becker.

There were approximately 160 Alumni in attendance

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously approved.

The balance of the CHS Alumni account was $6127.03 coming into tonight.

The balance of the Scholarship fund was $2534.41 before four $500 scholarships were awarded, this leaves $534.41 remaining before tonight’s fundraising. Tonight we raised $1299 from the silent auction, $240 from free will donations at the door, and $988 from Pass the Bucket. Bringing the amount in the scholarship fund up to $3061.41.

Old Business
No old business was reported

New Business
No new business was reported

Other Business
Nancy Boston, a fellow Alumni, wanted to remind Alumni members that a great way to contribute to the school is to create a scholarship in memory of a deceased loved one and have it honored to a graduating senior.

Ron Alverson motioned to adjourn the meeting, Marceil Hasenkamp seconded. Meeting was adjourned.

The next general meeting will be May 26th, 2018.

Minutes Submitted by: Kayla Kohake

Minutes Approved by: Rosanna (Feldkamp) Winkler

2016 Alumni Minutes


The annual meeting of the Centralia High School Alumni Association was called to order at 7pm on May 28, 2016 at the Centralia School Gym by Christina Ann Smith.


There were approximately 160 Alumni in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

The balance of the CHS Alumni account was $6060.67 coming into tonight.

The balance of the Scholarship fund was $1625.37 before three $500 scholarships were awarded, this leaves $125.37 remaining before tonight’s fundraising. Tonight we raised $1985 from the silent auction and $100 from free will donations bring the amount in the scholarship fund up to $2,210.37.

Old Business

There is currently a disconnect of knowing what to do to plan for the Alumni Banquet each year.

    • A motion made last year was to make an Alumni Banquet committee this was never decided upon.
    • Another suggestion is to require a representative from the 9 year class attend the banquet, and have a representative from the 10 year class help with planning for the next year.
    • A third suggestion to supplement either of the other two options is to create a planning binder (electronic or physical) that is handed down year to year.
  • Side Note – Mentioned that it was Great that during the Role call of the honored classes we only announced classmates that were present instead of announcing all class members. 
  • Motion 1: Marla Bramhall – someone from 9 year class show up to the Alumni Banquet for an idea for the next year.
    • Christina (Feldkamp) Smith second motion 1
      • Majority rules in favor
  • Motion 2: Barb Feldkamp motion to have a 10 year person stay on to assist the following year to coordinate the Alumni Banquet
    • Dave Flower second motion.
      • Majority rules in favor.

New Business

  • Raising the cost of walk in registration to $18 to help encourage individuals to pre-register
      • Discussion: Christina (Feldkamp) Smith – 125 preregister. 160 showed. Hard to plan tables, food. Start the motion.
      • Rethman make $20 at door.
      • Christina (Feldkamp) Smith posted in newspapers, email sent out. Add email to list.
      • Leave emails at welcome table.
      • Nancy Boston start motion $20 at door w/no preregister. Preregister at $15
    • Helen Good second motion
      • Passes unanimously
    • I would like to make the motion to provide a set number of $500 scholarships each year while putting the remaining money into the scholarship fund. The goal of doing this is to ensure that an alumni scholarship is offered yearly. This year the Alumni Association was able to offer three scholarships where in the past none were offered due to a lack of funding. By saving some money back the scholarship fund can become more sustainable and ensure that an individual or individuals from each graduating class have the chance to be awarded the Alumni scholarship.
        • Discussion: Motion Nancy Boston – saying agree to have at least $500 in the account minimum. Then decide how many scholarships are awarded based on current balance.
      • Barb Feldkamp second
        • Vote: Passed
  • Motion – Barb Feldkamp – silent auction continue every year to raise money for scholarship
    • Amber (Berkley) O’Keefe second
      • Passes unanimously

If our email has changed, how to we let alumni association to know?

  • – contact us. And a sheet at the check-in

Barb Feldkamp motion to adjourn meeting, Flowers second


Meeting was adjourned at  by Christina Ann Smith. The next general meeting will be  May 27, 2017, in Centralia School Gym.

Minutes submitted by: Amber Berkley O’Keefe
Approved by: Christina Feldkamp Smith

2015 Alumni Minutes

The banquet was attended by approximately 180 people on May 23, 2015. The current balance in the alumni banquet account following the banquet is $XXX.XX. The two primary discussion items revolved around the alumni scholarship and the marketing of the annual alumni banquet.

First, Nick Hasenkamp motioned that we re-institute the alumni scholarship. The motion passed.

Next, there was a motion proposed by Bill Flentie that passed to include both a “Pass the Hat” donation section of the alumni banquet each year and to include a donation link on the website to provide alumni another avenue to donate to the scholarship fund. The “Pass the Hat” process brought in $1,094.00 during the banquet this year.

Following that item, there was a motion that passed to identify the number of scholarship candidates each year. Brent Alverson proposed that we divide the total dollar amount donated each year by $500 and the whole number denotes how many alumni scholarship award winners there will be for the following year (e.g., since we brought in $1,094.00 this year, there will be 2 award winners and the $94.00 balance will go into the reserve). Additionally, another element of the scholarship process revolved around the selection process. It was proposed having a combined committee of both alumni and teachers to select the award winners; this motion failed. The motion that did pass was to select a committee of 3-5 alumni to develop a scholarship guideline document. This document will include all of the steps related to the scholarship process. The scholarship guideline committee includes Bill Flentie, Marceil Hasenkamp and Christina Feldkamp.

Finally, there was a motion that passed that requests the scholarship award winner(s) attend the alumni banquet to provide a brief speech regarding their background, plans after high school, etc. The other area discussed during the alumni banquet was the marketing of the banquet. It was discussed that due to the high costs of physical invitations and outdated physical addresses that often times caused invitations to not get to the intended alumnus that we would continue with online invitations. There was a discussion that if an email address was not included that they would still get a physical invitation. However, this discussion item never received a formal motion or subsequently a formal vote.

2014 Alumni Minutes

Meeting called to order by: Rachel Steinlage Hasenkamp, class of 2004
-There was no old business posted.
-In new business, it was proposed that a change in structure for the process of planning and coordinating the annual banquet be given to each year’s Senior Class of Centralia with many reasons given. The floor was opened up for questions but no discussion was posted.
-Members were reminded to update their address information with the head table before leaving.

Meeting was adjourned by Rachel Steinlage Hasenkamp.

2013 Alumni Minutes

Meeting called to order by – Camilla Alderfer Garst
-Old Business: none.
-New Business: To ensure we planned appropriately please make sure to RSVP. There is a reason why we ask that people RSVP and it saves EVERYONE lots of time and headache. We had many people calling the caterer to tell her they were coming. It is up to the class planning the banquet that contacts her. Also, be sure to contact in advance and not the day of the event.
-Be sure to update your address information with the head table so that they can get it updated for next years’ Alumni invites.
-Kent McClary reminds alumni about the dance at the CACA building after the meeting. DJ included.
-Vijay Nath moves to adjourn meeting. Craig Mueting second the motion.

-Meeting adjourned by Camilla Alderfer Garst.

2012 Alumni Minutes

Meeting called to order by: president of the class of 2012, Leslie Pralle. Roll call was read by Jill Alderfer.
-There was about 200 alumni present.
-There was no old business to discuss.
-New business included:
There is a new link on Centralia’s Alumni link called “Alumni History Site.” They are hoping to get more information on here as in the minutes of the meetings from years past. It’s a work in progress, but please check it out from time to time to see what’s new.
– We have the contact information sheets here you saw as you come in to be updated. We are hoping to let you choose how to be notified and send out email invites to those who want this option to save money and time.
-There was no discussion.
The 2012 alumni meeting was adjourned.

2011 Alumni Minutes

Meeting called to order by: Jessica Rethman Wehling
-No old business
-New business included discussion regarding alumni banquet invitation done strictly by email. Dissatisfaction and frustration was expressed with trying to find the invitation on the CHS alumni website and then going to the Centralia High School website and clicking on the “alumni” link and then being able to access it. The motion was made to return to the previous method of mailing out postcard invitations. Discussion included also utilizing email for the more recent alumni. The motion was seconded and passed.

2010 Alumni Minutes

Meeting called to order by- Dustin Walters. president
-Revisit two issues from 2009 banquet:
– The decision to have 2010 be the last year to mail postcard invitations * The decision to make every 5 yr class after 15 yrs be an honored class (we did not implement this in 2010. The class of 1999 suggested we bring this up for vote again in 2010 because of confusion and questions that were received after the 2009 banquet.)
There was a lot of concern about not reaching older alumni due to those that do not use email. To minimize postage and still reach some of the older alumni a motion was made to send U.S. mail invitations only to honored class members that do not have an email address on file with the alumni association. The motion was seconded and passed overwhelmingly.
-A motion was made to keep honored classes at 0, 10, 25, 40, 50, 60, and 70. The motion was seconded and passed overwhelmingly.